• We are very glad to have you here Mr….. Thank you for your generosity decides to assist our Somali Refugees community wherever they are.
• AS you know; Somalia is still critical condition about Drought Famine & devastating human tragedy.
• UN Declared: In fact, the massive human tragedy taking place in a big swath of the southern and central regions of Somalia could have been predictable- if not preventable to a greater extent- even months ahead of time before people got to advanced vast malnutrition stages.
• Hopefully we would like to share ideas to with you in any possible way to improve to next new generation of Somalia, Frankly speaking; We need your support to enable empowering vulnerable community
• We want you to sponsor our community in a way to get a link to International Donors and Churches to rescue live saving & sustainability program.
• This Refugee Community has in common sharing with Internal Somali Community the Hopelessness, Calamity & devastation.
• The aim of the fund is to support and help the Orphanage & Handicapped Children who got heavy damaged during the civil wars and have no Parenting support, other than to cry when panic acute risk faced to them, to assist the widows, the disabled people those virtually need your support without their consent.
• The solution of these problems is to find local and International Donors to determine eligibility to those who dying every day because of Drought Famine starvation catastrophe, to approach fundamental community Project sustainability to implement within the Somali Capital City as per attached project Objectives and procurements
• The displacements people from Kenya and Mogadishu suburbs that have no shelter and have malnutrition to get job opportunity, daily diet to get survival recovery. The Major project is:- Fish Farm Project and the minor one is Poultry Farm project
• We deeply Request and appreciated from your kindness to arrange communication links to those Donors and Churches, Colleges, and Universities as well as known figures who can support our objectives
• We believe that every body has a limit able capacity, but try to get some body that can emphases the other colleagues who can possibly get and convinced to the right concerned Organization.
• We prefer your meeting is essential and hope it will be fruit able ideas and will get good feedback Thank you 16 Dec. 2011TO
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